Perceived lack of time and capitalist culture's pressure on how we use our time sends individuals into a flux between control and loss of control within their lives, causing a climate for anxiety. This body of work raises questions around the construct of time and how we move through our lives.   Each piece accesses time on a different interval, from minutes to hours, to months, to years.  The work questions ideas of intimacy and interaction.  How do we communicate and what is created or left behind to represent those attempts?

By photographing the kitchen sink up to three times daily, stories that would dissolve with the passing of time instead emerge with it.  A pattern begins to form as the photos multiply over time. A comfortable routine is alluded to, as well as an endless, repetitive doom. The utensils, plates, and bowls become characters that covertly act out social dynamics and domestic scenarios.  

In recording the one-on-one domino games, the visual repetitive patterns, direct framing, and seriality highlight slight difference.  Each game plays out as a visual representation of conversation; social interaction of which normally there is no visual output (pre-smart phones).  Stories unfold in a language were translation is precarious for the eavesdropping onlooker; stories are played out by hands, rather than spoken by voices.       

The only voice present in the entire space is that of a warbling cat, intermittently crying out at various volumes in a language we do not understand except in its loneliness.  As the dishes pile up, the dominoes play out, and feet pace back and forth between “Spring Forward” and “Fall Back” on the floor, the cat cries, asking for a moment of time, desperately trying to communicate and make contact.

events repeat themselves, but with a difference that makes all the difference, 2005, 44”x36” digital printsSpring Forward / Fall Back, 2005, colored vinyl on floor

events repeat themselves, but with a difference that makes all the difference, 2005, 44”x36” digital prints

Spring Forward / Fall Back, 2005, colored vinyl on floor

events repeat themselves, but with a difference that makes all the difference, 2005Two 44”x36” digital prints (detail)

events repeat themselves, but with a difference that makes all the difference, 2005

Two 44”x36” digital prints (detail)

events repeat themselves, but with a difference that makes all the difference, 2005Single 44”x36” digital print (detail)

events repeat themselves, but with a difference that makes all the difference, 2005

Single 44”x36” digital print (detail)

Spring Forward / Fall Back, 2005, colored vinyl on concrete floor

Spring Forward / Fall Back, 2005, colored vinyl on concrete floor

Effort At Speech Between Two People, 2005, 6-channel video installation

Effort At Speech Between Two People, 2005, 6-channel video installation

Effort At Speech Between Two People, 2005, film stills from game with Marya, 6-channel video installation

Effort At Speech Between Two People, 2005, film stills from game with Marya, 6-channel video installation