Stories From Home

The artist placed a time clock in her Chicago apartment for 10 months in 2001.  The artist, as well as all her visitors, would punch in when entering the apartment and punch out upon leaving; creating a detailed record of mostly numerical time information. The collection of over 100 time cards was installed in a large grid; the vertical columns arrange the cards by chronological weeks and the horizontal rows by each person’s “caste” based on personal relationship to the artist.

Stories From Home, 2001, Timecards, ink, nails, dymo labels

Stories From Home, 2001, Timecards, ink, nails, dymo labels

Stories From Home, 2001, Close-up of time cards

Stories From Home, 2001, Close-up of time cards

Stories From Home, 2001, Close-up of time card

Stories From Home, 2001, Close-up of time card

Supplemental List – Social Definitions: detailing Dymo label text on the left side of installation

Author: One who tells stories.

Mom: Informal Mother, A woman who assumes the responsibility of a parent.  Also see friend.

Dad: Slang, a male who functions in a parental capacity; include repair of household fixtures.

Girlfriend: A favorite female friend, especially one with whom a person is sexually or romantically involved.

Friend: A person whom one knows, and usually likes and trusts,  include prefixes best friend, ex-friend.

Acquaintance: A person whom one knows through a friend or girlfriend.

Stranger: One who is neither a friend nor an acquaintance.